Dermatend Ultra - My Experience
4 years ago, in a desperate dispute to remove large moles covering my back I visited a dermatologist who explained to me that in order to get the spots removed it was going to cost a fortune. Being only 13 or 14 at the time I had no money and my mum said she wouldn't pay because it was way too expensive. Later that night she did some research and purchased Two tubes of 'Dermatend Ultra, mole and skin tag remover' because all the reviews for it were perfect and it was so hard to find a negative response. I think we only found one.
The package arrived in a few weeks from America and I was so excited to try it I completely forgot to take a before photo to compare with an after. Anyway, so my Mum and I followed the instructions so so so carefully, to a T, and washed off the Dermatend like the instructions said. It stung for a little bit afterwards but that was good because for me it meant that it was working!!
I used it on about 10 moles on my back and neck which were decent sized (larger than an eraser head on a pencil) and unfortunately, the next day only half of them actually managed to form a scab, which made my mood drop a bit. A few more days passed and being a teenager I accidentally picked at the scabs.. They came off before they were ready, but low and behold the skin was clean, pink and no mole colour in sight! I was so happy I cried tears of joy and it was then that I thought Dermatend had been the solution to everything I had always wanted.
I used it on about 10 moles on my back and neck which were decent sized (larger than an eraser head on a pencil) and unfortunately, the next day only half of them actually managed to form a scab, which made my mood drop a bit. A few more days passed and being a teenager I accidentally picked at the scabs.. They came off before they were ready, but low and behold the skin was clean, pink and no mole colour in sight! I was so happy I cried tears of joy and it was then that I thought Dermatend had been the solution to everything I had always wanted.
Two weeks later they were scars which looked a whole lot better than moles. I thought so anyway, until moles grew back, looking like half scarred messes mixed together with different shades of brown and pinky cream. Yuck!
Now my back and neck look even worse, and its embarrassing to explain to my friends why I have scars and mangled spots down my back during trips to the beach, pool, or whenever I wear a dress to a party.
4 years later while cleaning my room I found my un-opened, and still sealed tube of Dermatend. The one I never used. I thought, 'Great! now maybe i can try again on the moles that didn't scab the first time!!!' I ran down to the shops and bought some circular band aids, even more excited to re perform the mission - now I was older, more mature and i knew not to pick the scabs, if they ever form.
I decided to try it out and see if the Dermatend would even work, considering it was now very old. instead, this time I didn't follow instructions specifically. I had a hot shower to open the pores, used the emery board i still had, and then cut the skin all over the mole. This mole was in the crease under my right breast and I figured if it didn't work, 'oh well.' It's not like anybody can see it. I left the red/brown paste on and i didn't wash it off, I left it on with a band aid on for 24 hours. this time it stung a lot and for a longer time too.
The moment of truth - did it work? YES. It did. the raised mole was a complete scab, and it looked like a dry tree root. but that was okay because i figured it would fall off in a few days. It was EXTREMELY ITCHY, even more so due to where it was on my body.
Day three was the same as day 2, no changes. Although on day 4, the mole flattened out, and had a white ring around it where the scab had shrunk and the skin was stretched. I thought I had some self control..... either way, a scab is a scab, and I couldn't help myself. When i saw the pus underneath.. the scab was picked off. It looked really good even though there was a crater where the mole had been. Things were looking up for this attempt.
I took some photos of the recovery process. The hole healed VERY well and I'm really pleased with how the skin is flat and light pink, it looks like its worked. BUT! its been a month since I've 'removed' this mole, and its started to grow back.. slightly. Now I'm wondering if it will grow back completely, raised and all. Only time will tell now, I guess.
Overall, for this attempt 4 years later, I have a big feeling that I'm going to be let down by this product again.